Energy Medicine

For reprogramming of the subconscious and restructuring your soul level foundations to walk this earth stronger, to be your authentic self, resulting in reaching higher levels of spiritual development quickly. At the core level, treatments will

  • generate calmness
  • raises your frequency long term
  • remove past life blocks; ancestral clearing
  • sets the body in conditions for perfect health
  • reprogramming outmoded subconscious systems that hold you back
  • return soul parts/ soul retrieval

A gentle relaxing experience to give energy to the physical body as well as subtle bodies to clean and tune the chakras to balance with levels of openness appropriate for you at this time. 

Includes a  journey so you can see each chakra and learn how to balance them yourself when needed.

Training workshops available at each level


Used for discovery, daily guidance, and building connection to

  • your advisory counsel
  • meet spirit animals
  • healing physical health problems
  • meeting compassionate spirit helpers
  • guided journeys to unseen multidimensional realms to work on specific areas of your life and the collective.

The Universal Sphere® is a New Earth modality – a tool, to help you at this time to connected with your highest destiny and manifest with ease.

Bundle of three, 30 minute sessions that will breeze you into the Field of Infinite Possibility

Can include destiny retrieval and the stone oracle, and despachos to assist in every situation.

Recieve a complimentary PDF of my fully detailed chakra chart.
Includes: elemental connection, pysical and psychological aspects, body and organ parts, positive seeds of potential, and negative challenge aspects.

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If you know it’s time to shift and transform into the next level of your life, aligned with your Higher Purpose – the reason you are here right now in these aeon – then you found the right place.


Imagine living with guidance from your Higher Self, manifesting your dreams faster and stronger, feeling confident and in your authentic self all of the time. Here you will also find help working through shadow aspects and challenges to remove and transmute deep core issues and rebuild your foundation for a stronger base from which to strengthen your empire of light! Yes. Your light quotient affects everything and is vitally important is you are to align with your highest best energy and ascension frequencies.


Take a leap forward in life by learning to use your own heart wisdom to align with your Soul’s Purpose and activate the life you really want. We are all in this together and I am here to help guide you and activate your spiritual gifts, talents and abilities. I have lived through the muck of life; you can read more about my story on the About page.


Since 2010, I have been living globally, moving between countries throughout Asia, India, Himalayas, M.E. and Europe as an artist, oracle, and sacred sites explorer… to bring you travel experiences for sacred journeys.