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Soul purpose reading

Universal Sphere®
3 sessions

The Universal Sphere® is a “Next Generation” modality, or tool, to help you in this time to become more connected to your higher self and manifest with ease.

Healing sessions

As a healer, my service is to guide you to connect with your own personal power and to align you with your authentic self.

The human experience creates trauma both personal and ancestral, and stress from living in the three-dimensional world. These dense experiences are heavy and cause a disconnection from our authentic selves.

When life feels stuck, stagnant, or you find yourself depressed, anxious, confused, or repeating unhealthy patterns as if on an automatic loop, it can be a sign that something is out of alignment on the spiritual level.

Dis-ease is a disconnect from your Higher Self. When we deal with issues only on the physical plane, or emotional plane, we miss the root of the issue which resides in the realms of the spiritual and luminous body – beyond the auric field where talk therapy could never reach. 


Frequently Asked Questions

Please book at least 5 days in advance as I need time to start the work before we meet.
Select a day when you will be able to relax for the rest of the day or evening. Avoid partying the night of your session.
Please make sure that you will be undisturbed for around 90 min but you might also like some quiet time to process after the session. This is your special time.
This system of Creation Codes provides 7 numbers based on the light language of the sound of your name.
These codes are designed by your Higher Self and direct your life in areas of
physical reality, spiritual goals, talents, and challenges.
Knowing these Creation Codes helps to know who you really are and what you are here to do and become at your fullest potential.
This ancient system was most recently channeled by Frank Alper in the 1980s from Moses, as an ascended master, on the 22 Phi letters contained in the Sefer Yetzirah, Hebrew Book of Creation.
The Field of Infinite Possibilities is the field where all potentials, combinations, and possibilities are possible.
  • Energy Healing

  • Spiritual Coach

  • Teacher – Reiki

  • Group Facilitation & Workshops: Art-making / Journeywork / Ceremony

  • Firewalk Facilitator

  • Online Healing Sessions

  • Animal Behaviour and Healing

  • Personal Ceremony

  • Clearings, Activations, Energy Transmissions

  • Changing your name / choosing baby names

  • Tarot Reading