What is Shamanic Energy Healing?
For permanent reprogramming of the subconscious and restructuring your soul level foundations — to walk this earth ently with more confidence, to be your authentic self.
At the core level, treatments will
- restore happiness to your inner child
- remove past life blocks; ancestral clearing
- balancing your inner masculine / feminine
- reprogramming outmoded subconscious systems that hold you back
- return soul fragments; soul retrieval
What is Journey Work?
Used for discovery, daily guidance, and building connection to
- your advisory counsel
- meet spirit animals
- healing physical health problems
- meeting compassionate spirit helpers
- guided journeys to unseen multidimensional realms to work on specific areas of your life and the collective
As a healer, my service is to guide you to connect with your own personal power and to align you with your authentic self.
The human experience creates trauma both personal and ancestral, and stress from living in the three-dimensional world. These dense experiences are heavy and cause a disconnection from our authentic selves.
When life feels stuck, stagnant, or you find yourself depressed, anxious, confused, or repeating unhealthy patterns as if on an automatic loop, it can be a sign that something is out of alignment on the spiritual level.
Dis-ease is a disconnect from your Higher Self. When we deal with issues only on the physical plane, or emotional plane, we miss the root of the issue which resides in the realms of the spiritual and luminous body – beyond the auric field where talk therapy could never reach.
Transmuting the core issue at this unseen level creates lasting and significant growth.
The word healing means to identify frozen or misaligned parts that happen through emotional and physical trauma, and to help clear those blocks.
Soul retrieval
Your retrieval was spot on and I've been reminded of my soul essence every time I read my posted message in my bathroom that we came up with. I built a shrine with my baby, blue ring, deer and yellow bird.

You are a very spiritual lady and have achieved great results. You have a great calmness around you and the consultations are tranquil and leave me feeling positive and energised. A sceptical onlooker might easily dismiss the treatment methods, but I kept an open mind and I have reaped the rewards.
Cailin performed several sessions of healing and my lower back problem has been significantly better since. She has also changed my outlook on some things and I am calmer and more focused.
She works with energy and can help avoid periods of difficulty and refocus your life direction.
You have everything to gain by giving it a try.

(now happily in a new relationship and better work environment)
I recommend Cailin to anyone who is eager to strip down the layers of pain and suffering in order to gain greater spiritual awareness and to heal.

My 1:1 sessions with Cailin helped to set me back on a better energetic trajectory. We addressed some energy blockages and negative connections that had been stuck in my field.
The impact of Cailin's sessions were subtle...ans over time I began to feel a shift in my ebergy and mood, my sleep improved and I just started to give myself a little more TLC again. Weirdly I became attracted to brighter more colorful clothing too!
My journey to a better, happier self is ongoing and I'm grateful for Cailin for being part of it.
Calin also invited us to her monthly Moom groups that she generously held at her home and gave talks and sessions about different elements of healing and spiritual development.

I healed my knee of a torn meniscus after being hit by a taxi in Beirut. I didn't need surgery in the end and it's been years by now. At the time I also removed the root cause of that taxi injury which went back to a big life trauma from 1990. The accident matched the exact day from back in 1990.
After several energy extractions of entities that were not mine, I felt a heaviness leave and immediately saw life with new vision in a lighter, more beautiful and optimistic light. Foreign energies living and feeding in our field can cloud our perceptions creating a gloomy or more sadness so they can feed on the emotional heaviness.
Most recently (July 5, 2022) I experienced sudden physical symptoms that later matched the exact date they began to show up in my mother's body when she became ill and ultimately died 3 months later - with severe stomach and digestive pains. I was having similar violent purging and pain from anything eaten. We had not spoken for many years so I did not know this was going on with her. I could not understand what was happening to me out of the blue. I never had such a problem before and literally could not eat for over a week to avoid the pain and toilet problems. I was able to calm it down with energy healing and live life normally for a while but it would come on at any time and then leave again.
I blamed it on parasites in the food, adjusting to another country's food and water, unseen msg chemical seasoning, etc. Two months later a phone call came from my brother with news of our mother's sudden cancer and she was nearing death. He described her illness, which started in July, and what she had been living through, not being able to eat nor digest anything. The time it started matched exactly when I started having the same or similar violent sickness and not being able to eat for over a week. Of course it had to have been much worse for her. It continued on and off and I started noticing that I would feel it when she had a particularly bad episode. I knew then that the cords were still very much alive and intact.
Urgently I contacted a shaman colleague for a session. She looked into it from her outside perspective and saw it clearly. Together we removed what is called 'intrusive energy' which could be seen as a black inky blob clinging to my stomach and growing deep throughout the colon and lower organs. She also cut the cords - for the benefit of both mother and daughter. Naturally, I had cut the mother cords many times before but they can be hard to remove because they often grow back either from their side or from your own 'need' to keep the energetic loop. It's not healthy for either person to be feeding off or giving so much without realizing it. That same evening I was perfectly normal and never had another episode of digestive problems. A month afterward my mother passed on.